Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sleep, I remember you!

Ah, this morning I woke up refreshed. Stasa did the unexpected - she slept through the night. Granted we didn't put her down until about 11:00 PM and she woke up around 5:30 AM, but I say it still counts! Plus, Tom got up with her and let me sleep until 8:30 AM!!! And even though I woke up to a hungry, wet baby and I was engorged - it was well worth it.

Now Tom is back in bed for a quick morning nap. And since it looks like it's going to be a gloomy day, I think we'll do another mommy and baby photo shoot. I don't have a lot of pictures of me and Stasa since I'm always the one taking the pics. But today I'll set up the camera on the tripod and have Tom snap a few shots. So check back later for pictures!

Now, what to wear? What to wear?

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