Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Happy sisters


Just chillin'

How long can a kid cry?

Let's start with how we spent the rest of our holiday weekend. Tom skipped the Ride of the Patriots/Rolling Thunder and did a late afternoon ride with the boys instead. While he was off doing manly things, Stasa and I enjoyed tea time. She served us a lovely tea with goldfish crackers, peanut butter crackers, cookies, and milk.

Of course she also ate most of the snacks before I could have some.

Yesterday we spent some time at the pool before lunch and naptime and then it was off to Papou's for a Memorial Day BBQ. Stasa was pretty busy at Papou's - she played with painted rocks, kicked the ball around, popped bubbles with daddy, and even went on a bug finding walk with Vicky Vick.

And while Stasa was off being a crazy person, Lexi just lounged and relaxed. 

Now, about the title of this post. On the ride home from Papou's Lexi cried. She screamed, she wailed, she gurgled. The.whole.way.home. I'm wondering how long she could possibly keep that up. An hour? Two hours? Wouldn't she eventually pass out? ::sigh:: I'm leaving in less than a week with both girls and driving to Chicago. I'm hoping she either stops acting that way in the car or that I can get her hooked on a pacifier. Wish me luck.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

And so the pool season begins...

Our pool is pretty cheap, especially compared to other neighborhood pools around here. We pay $300 for a family membership AND we get clubhouse privileges. The only downside is it's only open in the afternoons until school is over and doesn't open until 11:00 on the weekends. The upside is we usually have the baby pool area to ourselves, so Stasa is able to run around and be her crazy self.

This morning we all suited up, lathered up, and packed up for a quick pool trip. It wasn't until we got there that I realized we forgot all of our other pool items, like the water bomb balls, floaties, inner tubes...Mom Fail.

Stasa loves the water (as evidenced by her love of baths) and had a blast splashing around with Tom. After about 45 minutes in the baby pool she asked, somewhat politely, to play in the bigger pool. So off we went to deeper water.

She's grown so much since last summer and can stand and walk around in the majority of the shallow end of the bigger pool. She even "jumped" in so Tom could catch her a few times.

Of course Lexi spent our pool time snoozing in my arms and looking beyond adorable in her rash guard and sun hat. This summer's going to be so much fun now that she can do more at the pool. I'm going to look into swim lessons for her since they're only $15/30 minutes at our pool.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Just like daddy

In the kitchen...

And ready to bike...

Tom had just left on his bike right before I took this picture. She saw him leave and stood by the door saying "I love you daddy!" over and over and over. And then she proclaimed it was "boots time", shoved her feet in the boots, grabbed her helmet and marched off to get her bike. She loves her daddy so much.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

When she smiles

After having a toddler for so long, you kind of forget what it's like to have an infant again. I'm so used to Stasa playing and interacting with me and being animated. You don't really get much interaction with an infant. Lexi spends the majority of the day sleeping, crying, eating, or pooping, with a bit of tummy time and a lot of cuddling time thrown in.

Lately though she's been staying awake a bit longer during the day and is generally happy to just chill out next to me. I love that she smiles a lot now and makes cute little coos every now and then. It's so hard to put her down when she's being so cute and I end up holding her most of the day.

9 Weeks Old

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Big Girl

She sat on the potty at daycare three times today. Twice all by herself - pants off and all and once because Nia did it.

After dinner tonight she told me she needed to go potty. She took off her pants and Pull Up and ran into the bathroom. Nothing happened, but she happily sat on the potty for a few minutes and then put on a new Pull Up. All by herself.

She's getting it.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A humid walk around the 'hood

Family of shadows

Note: not our junk or our house behind me. This is what happens when you live amongst the multi-family dwellings.

"Riding" Although she did start to pedal for 10 paces at a time.

When you're tired, you can always ride on Daddy's shoulders.

8 Weeks Old

She wasn't feeling this photo shoot at all, can you tell?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Stasa has a sleepover

Stasa spent most of the weekend with Aunt Kelly while Tom and I went to a wedding. Kelly took many many pictures of their adventures and these are just a handful of my favorites. Stasa LOVES Kelly's dog, Finley and loves to pretend that she's a dog, too. She was certainly spoiled by Aunt Kelly and told us all about the fun she had with "Kel-ye" and puppy. 

Poor Finley was pooped after a weekend with a toddler. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Back to the basics

Well, we sent Stasa off to daycare with a bag full of training pants and a few changes of clothes. As of 11:00 am she's already had 4 accidents and isn't even trying to go potty. It's like an entirely different child. She hasn't had that many accidents since we started this whole thing.

To make it easier on everyone we've decided to put her back in Pull Ups at daycare, though I'll be buying the cool alert ones instead of the ones that fade when wet, and we'll keep her in training pants/undies at home.

every time I want to give up I keep hearing that stupid Yo Gabba Gabba song "Keep Trying". She's going to get it. If not today, maybe tomorrow, or maybe a week or month from now.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What we did during Stasa's nap yesterday

Two steps forward, two steps back

We're still potty training and at this rate I feel we'll be potty training forever (I know, I know, it's only been 4 1/2 days). As of yesterday we entered the power struggle phase. Do you know who wins in a power struggle with a toddler? I can tell you it's definitely not me. So we go with it and stay the course.

Last night Tom told me to take off for a couple of hours to regain some sanity. I went to the mall for a coffee and some retail therapy. Only even then I couldn't fully get away from potty training. I found myself at Borders Express buying the only 2 books they had on potty training. I know you're not supposed to change methods and you have to stay consistent, but I wanted different perspectives to see if maybe we were missing something that would help.

I also got Stasa a princess ABC book with an attached Magna Doodle as a special potty time only book. I knew she'd want it because it has 3 of her favorite things: princesses, ABCs, and drawing. I came home, showed it to her and told her it was only for potty time. Don't you know that girl whipped off her panties and happily sat on the potty. Was this the same kid that refused to go anywhere near the potty not five minutes earlier? See? Power struggle. Only clever mommy won this round.

I went to bed last night thinking "tomorrow's a new day" and was ready to give this whole thing another shot. This morning she peed on the floor in front of me, almost defiant-like. I told her it was yucky pee pee and it needs to go in the potty, made her walk to the potty and sit on it, made her check her panties to feel that they were wet and then made her help clean up her mess. I'm definitely going to make her start cleaning up her messes.

Tom also pointed out that this is the longest she's been cooped up in the house. We weren't even inside this long during the snowpocalypse. Today we're going to attempt our first trip out of the house sans diaper. I'll just be prepared for multiple accidents while we're out.

Tomorrow she's going back to daycare. I need a break.

Monday, May 16, 2011


We decided to go with the 3-day potty training method and needless to say the 3 days have passed and she's not quite potty trained. BUT we have had progress. Enormous progress, in my opinion. 

We went from having 10 accidents in a 5 hour period to just 1 accident. Progress. But since we're not all the way there, I'm keeping her home until we are. I'm hoping it will only take a couple extra days because man it's exhausting. 

Because I'm literally glued to her side I haven't been able to take any pictures, although I did manage a handful on my phone. And poor Lexi gets tossed aside (in a gentle loving way, of course) whenever Stasa announces she's got to go. 

Keep wishing us luck and if you really love us, you'll bring us ready-to-eat food. 

What potty-training looks like in our house...

Okay, so these next ones have nothing to do with potty training, but are so cute I couldn't *not* include them.