Saturday, May 28, 2011

And so the pool season begins...

Our pool is pretty cheap, especially compared to other neighborhood pools around here. We pay $300 for a family membership AND we get clubhouse privileges. The only downside is it's only open in the afternoons until school is over and doesn't open until 11:00 on the weekends. The upside is we usually have the baby pool area to ourselves, so Stasa is able to run around and be her crazy self.

This morning we all suited up, lathered up, and packed up for a quick pool trip. It wasn't until we got there that I realized we forgot all of our other pool items, like the water bomb balls, floaties, inner tubes...Mom Fail.

Stasa loves the water (as evidenced by her love of baths) and had a blast splashing around with Tom. After about 45 minutes in the baby pool she asked, somewhat politely, to play in the bigger pool. So off we went to deeper water.

She's grown so much since last summer and can stand and walk around in the majority of the shallow end of the bigger pool. She even "jumped" in so Tom could catch her a few times.

Of course Lexi spent our pool time snoozing in my arms and looking beyond adorable in her rash guard and sun hat. This summer's going to be so much fun now that she can do more at the pool. I'm going to look into swim lessons for her since they're only $15/30 minutes at our pool.

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