Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's 12:30, wanna know what I've eaten so far?

2 cups of coffee
1 large glass of orange juice
1 small glass of V8
Way too much raw cookie dough to measure

The other day I baked peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips in the middle, but when I posted about it on Facebook my friend, Courtney, told me about these wonderful delicious monsters. So what did I do? Instead of eating breakfast or lunch I made cookies and while I was scooping them onto the baking sheets I ate many many bites of batter.

I'm going to test my will power now that they're finished and cooling on the rack. Perhaps I should leave the house.

ETA: Just so you don't think I'm a total junk food junkie, I've also eaten a bowl of pasta and a Coke. So healthy.

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