Saturday, April 30, 2011

Stasa's take on the Royal Wedding

I should send a thank you to Will and Kate for scheduling their wedding during my leave. I got up at 4:00 AM to start watching the coverage and was so glad that I did. As tired as I was, it was so worth it. Stasa woke up a little before 7:00 AM and came downstairs to watch the rest of the wedding with me before going to daycare.

Our conversation after the camera showed Kate:
Stasa: Mommy, who's that?
Me: That's a princess bride, Stasa. See? She's in her pretty white dress.
Stasa: Princess?
Me: Yes, that's a princess.
Stasa: Mommy, I a princess tooooooooooooooo!
Me: I know, I know, you're a princess, too.

We had this same conversation every.single.time they showed Kate. Of course our kid thinks she's a real princess. Why wouldn't she? She thinks everything pink is a princess outfit. Pink and white polka dotted ruffle pj shorts? Princess pants! Pink ruffled skirt? Princess dress! Pink tutu? Princess dress! Pink pull-ups? Princess diaper! At least her self-confidence is high. I should count my blessings, right?

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