Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter and happy monthday!

First family picture (yeah, we're behind the 8 ball on that one) - too bad it's blurry. We'll have to try again.

And our big girl playing in the yard:

And hunting for eggs...

We spent the day with family and my god did it get hot and humid. Stasa had a blast popping bubbles that daddy and her uncles blew for her and was a natural at egg hunting (although how hard can it be when the eggs are out in the open and you have no competition?). We played one of my favorite games, Phase 10 (a rummy game), and I managed to lose to a bunch of yahoos. Stupid 2 sets of 4. Worst phase ever.

After we came home and ate a quick dinner, Stasa and I covered our walkway in beautiful sidewalk chalk drawings. And when I told her it was time for a bubble bath, she threw herself to the ground and insisted that she was drawing, as if that would make it okay for her to stay out longer. Of course once we were inside and drawing the bath she forgot about everything else and was her happy self again. Bubble "bafs" are the best, don'tcha know. 

AND today is thrice as special for us. Not only is it Easter, but it's also Stasa's name day and Lexi's first monthday! 

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