Friday, April 1, 2011

The test and the tease

Our daughters are testing us. I'm pretty sure we're on the verge of failure. Because Stasa's bili levels were so high when she was born she was an extremely sleepy baby and we would have to wake her up every 2-3 hours to eat. Lexi is the exact opposite - she's up almost every hour to eat. The past few nights have been so ridiculous we just end up laughing from exhaustion.

The other night Lexi started her hourly feedings around 6:00 pm and they didn't end until about 4:00 am - it literally felt like she was either eating or pooping or both. There was very little sleep going on. And just when she was ready to pass out for a good sleep, Stasa woke up crying and came running into our room. And of course she was wiiiiiiiiiide awake and refused to fall back asleep until around 6:00 am. And wouldn't you know that both girls took up the majority of space in our bed and Tom and I were relegated to little slivers of bed, but that was fine with us since both girls were actually asleep. I think we managed to get all of 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep before they were both up again.

And then to keep us on our toes they changed the game on us.The tease. Wednesday night Lexi slept for 3 hour stretches and Stasa actually stayed in her own bed all night. We woke up refreshed and feeling like humans again. And just when we started thinking that maybe this would be the new norm BAM the crazy train came through.

Last night was the ultimate test (so far). Stasa's meltdown started during dinner over nothing and for no particular reason. It quickly turned into a Stage 5 tantrum: kicking, screaming, crying, shrieking... Tom somehow got her to calm down and got her into the bathtub, but toward the end of the bath it came back. She insisted that she was pooping (while still in the bath) so Tom took her out and put her on the potty. It all fell apart from there. We finally got her in bed (somewhat - being IN her room counts, in my opinion) only to have her bang like a lunatic on her door and shriek at us. And just as we're trying to decide what to do BAM the power goes out. We take a peek outside and it looks like our whole cul-de-sac lost power. (And of course Stasa's still melting down.) 

I ran downstairs to call the power company to report the outage, Tom put Lexi on the couch in the Boppy and went in search for all of our flashlights and candles. And not to be outdone by her banshee sister, Lexi starts wailing while I'm on the phone and Tom's in the back room. It was like a freaking comedy of errors. Thankfully after a couple of hours both girls settled down and fell asleep. We thought we were home free and went to bed. Only Stasa woke up around 2:00 am crying and didn't fall asleep until around 6:00 am. We're walking zombies today. Here's hoping for a better night's sleep tonight.

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