Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm too brain dead to make a coherent post or too lazy or whatever

Time-outs have become a joke around here and we're at a loss at what to do about it. Here's what happened yesterday: Stasa hit Tom out of frustration and he put her on the step for a 2 minute time-out. She gets up the minute he turns his back and she's SMILING and LAUGHING. He sits her back down and tells her she's in time-out. She keeps laughing. He tells her "daddy's upset" and she says "daddy sad?" Then she gets up and tries kissing him and says "daddy happy now?"As if a kiss will get her out of time-out. It's like a big joke to her and it's insanely frustrating to us.

Stasa's vocabulary amazes me these days. She'll bust out with something and I think "when the hell did she start saying THAT?!" And I love love love how she pronounces certain words and I don't care that it's wrong. Everyone should say chocolate "shoclate". It makes it sound special. And she's so observant. Now when we get in the car she instructs everyone to buckle up and won't stop harping on me until I actually buckle my seat belt.

I think Lexi is starting to give us some real smiles and I love each and every one of them.


I've been writing a lot about our lack of sleep. I was fully prepared to wake up in the middle of the night with Lexi, but I didn't expect my great sleeper to start waking up, too. And as I've said before it's so easy to get an infant to fall back asleep (or at least our infant) - I feed her and she goes into a milk coma. Stasa's a bit more difficult and we've been giving in and either letting her sleep in our bed or we lay in her bed with her until she falls asleep and I think that's why she's still waking up every night. Tom and I keep saying that we need to just suck it up and put her back in her own bed alone, so that's exactly what I did last night when she woke up at 2:30. I sat outside of her room and kept putting her back in her bed and after about 10 minutes of crying she fell back asleep in her own bed. Alone. BIG GIRL. I'm going to do the same thing every night until she starts sleeping through the night again.

And to round out the randomness, pictures from yesterday.
(When did she get so old?!)

Shifty-eyed Lexi doesn't trust anyone...


Unknown said...

you could try reversing Stasa's doorknob and lock her in so she can't wander around all night. Sounds mean, but it's for their own safety and it also makes their room a great place for timeouts. hope you guys get some rest soon!

Kelly said...

I refuse to believe that my gorgeous, sweet goddaughter would ever hit anyone. You're making it up, you mean mommy.

Merks said...

Helen - we've started just putting her back in her bed and walking away and I think it's working. The other night she came in our room and I just told her to go back to her room. And she did! Big girl growing up. LOL

Kelly - she most certainly does hit occasionally. We're working on it.