Monday, April 11, 2011

2 Week Well Baby Visit (and a sick visit for Stasa)

birth stats:
weight: 7lbs 14oz
height: 20.75"
head: 13.75"

discharge stats:
weight: 7lbs 4oz
height: 20.75"
head: 13.75"

today's stats:
weight: 8lbs 12oz!
height: 21.5"!
head: 14.4"!

Obviously Lexi's eating well and growing fast. The doctor was quite impressed with her growth and said she looks great. She's been congested and sounds like Darth Vader when she eats, but the doctor said that was completely normal for newborns and to put the humidifier in her room.

Stasa woke up this morning around 3:00 to have her diaper changed. Tom put her back in bed and around 4:00 she vomited allllllllllll over herself and her bed. I woke up hearing running water and found Tom cleaning up Stasa and her room. She wasn't crying and was just walking around talking to Tom while he cleaned. Of course at that point we were all wide awake (except for Lexi - miracles do exist!) so we took Stasa into the play room to watch some cartoons and relax. During that "relaxing" period she puked a few more times. Last night's lasagna was everywhere. As soon as she was done throwing up, she was totally fine - no fever, no crying, nothing. I called the pediatrician's office as soon as they opened to see if they could see Stasa while we were there for Lexi's well baby visit. Thankfully Dr. Cooper could see both girls at the same time. She did a strep test which came back negative, so she said it's most likely a 24 hour stomach virus. We've just got to keep her hydrated with Pedialyte, Gatorade, or flat gingerale and feed her crackers or toast for the next 24 hours. As soon as we got home Stasa passed out. I'm hoping she gets a long nap in since she was up so long this morning. And here's hoping she feels better soon.

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