Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bed sharing, whether we want to or not

Ever since we moved Stasa to her big girl bed she always comes straight to our room when she wakes up in the morning, which has been fine with me since she usually wakes up between 6:30 and 8:00 and I'm ready (okay, somewhat ready) to get up at that point. Lately she's been getting up in the middle of the night or the wee wee hours of the morning and either stands by our bed until we wake up or sometimes just climbs in and makes herself comfortable. If we hear her wake up we'll try to head her off at the pass and get her back in her bed before she leaves her room. Unfortunately we don't always hear her since we're sleeping when she comes in.

I'm not sure if this is a normal toddler thing or if she's doing this because Lexi is always with us at night. Either way we're not getting a ton of sleep with 2 kids sharing our bed. Especially when the 2 kids take up more space than Tom and I combined. Tom and I are usually left with little slivers of space on the edge of the bed. Even though we're left with virtually no space, we do love cuddling with our girls. And since it's seen as family time, the cat always jumps up in bed, too. She refuses to be left out. 

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