Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Now that's better, isn't it?

I spent the day putting order to Stasa's closet and bureau. Something had to be done because I couldn't fit all of the stuff that was sent to us. So we went to Lowe's and Target and got a bunch of organizers and a closet system. I even managed to install the closet system ALL BY MYSELF. And of course I took some pictures so you guys could praise my organizational skills.
Closet before:

Closet after:

Toy bins:

Bureau drawers: (these are just her 3-6 month clothes - she has BINS of other clothes).


Amy said...

Holy Moly she has a lot of clothes! My mom told me that she saw you and Stasa!

Merks said...

She's got 3 more bins full of clothes! It's INSANE!!!