Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day two as a working mom

Yesterday seemed to fly by and before I knew it, it was time to leave to pick up Stasa. Of course, a two hour lunch and 4 pumping sessions helped break up my day. Stasa was ALL smiles and coos when we picked her up. Geraldine said she only napped for about an hour and cried when she was hungry. She played on the activity gym and loved it! And of course she chewed on her bib or Geraldine's finger. Teething monster!!

I hope today goes by just as fast. I really don't know how working moms do it/ I was EXHAUSTED when I got home and I passed out during Stasa's bedtime. I hope it gets easy and I get less tired each day. I'm still trying to time everything in the morning so I can get myself and Stasa ready and fed on time.

Well, here I go again. I wonder if it'll be easier to drop her off today?

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