Thursday, June 2, 2011

Taking it for granted

I occasionally find myself bitching to Tom about all of the things I do around the house - vacuuming, dusting, laundry, dishes, child-rearing, cleaning get the picture. Of course once I start listing all of the things I do for our family and house, he counters with his own list and we go back and forth until we're both crabby and feeling unappreciated.

The other day I was folding laundry and there was Tom, lounging on the couch, playing a game on the iPad, and felt the urge to make a comment about how I *always* do the laundry and how he *never* helps unless I make a big deal about it. I was gearing up for a good bitchfest when I caught myself thinking of all of the things I don't do. Things Tom does.

I can't remember the last time I had to do any sort of yard work (even when I "help" I'm mostly just standing around watching him work). I almost never have to take out the trash and it's been years since I've had to clean or change the litter box. Nor do I have to do the grocery shopping. And we all know I'm not in the kitchen come dinner time.

I realized there's a ton of things he does all of the time that I take for granted and just expect (especially making dinner). So I guess there are times when we all feel a little unappreciated. I just need to remind myself it's give and take and while I may do the laundry 95% of the time, he's doing some other chore I hate to do.

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