Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy (belated) Father's Day, otherwise known as The Weekend of Tom

It all seems like a blur now, probably because I was so focused on the fact that it was my last weekend home before going back to work. No more daytime television. No more napping (though, to be honest, I didn't really nap all that much). No more doing nothing. ::sigh:: Okay, enough of that - I plan to blog about the end of maternity leave next, so I should stop hijacking this Father's Day post.

Let's see. What *did* we do? Saturday we got up a little on the later side since Lexi fell back asleep (and stayed that way). I spent the morning on our deck with Stasa while she happily splashed around in the kiddie pool. I was much too lazy to load everyone up to go to the regular pool. Plus I hadn't shaved and there's no way my vain self was ruining my hottest-mom-at-the-pool rep. Joking. As if that could ever happen. 

While Stas played, Tom kicked his weekend off by vacuuming up unidentifiable animal feces and toilet bowl deodorizers from between the floor joists in our utility room. Apparently the previous owners allowed their animals go wherever they pleased and instead of cleaning up after them, they just tossed a few blue hockey pucks up there to "mask" the smell. Smooth move. Tom, of course, had to come outside to show me the fruits of his labor.

After Stasa's nap, we made the trek out to James' house for a BBQ with friends and family. I was shocked at the number of young kids and babies there since it's usually mostly adults. Graceful Stasa managed to fall no less than what felt like 20 times, the last of which resulted in a swollen and scraped knee.

Even though Sunday was Tom's day, he entertained Stasa and let me sleep in for a bit, but Stasa thinks that once she's up, everyone should be up, so that didn't last long. After I was up, we all got showered and dressed and headed out for our annual Father's Day breakfast. We originally planned to go to IHOP, but at the last minute opted for Eggspectation instead. So delicious. Stasa's been on a bit of a food strike lately and only ate a bowl of cereal and a handful of chips on Saturday so we thought she'd be ready to gorge on Sunday. We even ordered her chocolate chip pancakes (I mean, really, who doesn't like chocolate chip pancakes?!). She tried the pancakes and pushed them away and ended up eating a few berries from my meal and a bite of Tom's toast. Kid's got to eat at some point, right?
My kids are usually hams for the camera, but neither one was interested in cooperating for a quick Father's Day snap.

And here's the icing on the cake. On our way out, Lexi pooped for a good 10 minutes straight and guess what we didn't have with us? Diapers. We hadn't replenished the diaper bag after our outing on Saturday. Oops. I figured she could wait the 10 minutes until we were home to be changed, but as I transferred her from my arm to the car seat I noticed there was poop everywhere. Ugh. So what do you do when your kid has a blowout and you're out of diapers? You make it work. 
Why, yes, she *is* wearing a 3/4T Pull Up. And loving every minute, obviously.

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