Wednesday, June 1, 2011

2 Month Well Baby Visit

I took Lexi for her 2 month well baby visit this morning and the little darling decided to scream the entire way there and through the whole appointment. She was surprisingly quiet on the ride home - probably so tired from all that lovely crying.

Anyway, here were her 2 week stats:
weight: 8lbs 12oz
height: 21.5"
head: 14.4"

And today's stats:
weight: 12lbs 7oz
height: 24"
head: 15.25"

She L-O-N-G and is above average on the growth charts. She's still not sleeping through the night, but I don't expect her to for a few more months. Hopefully she starts sleeping longer though. Last night, or rather this morning she was up at 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, and 8:00.

Lexi also got her 2 month vaccines: 3 shots (DTaP, Hib, Polio, Hep B, and PCV) and 1 oral (Rotavirus). She doesn't go back until she's 4 months old.

When I told the doctor I was planning to drive to Chicago with both girls (and that Lexi hates her car seat) she laughed at me and said I was crazy. LOL

1 comment:

Kelly said...

that's cause you is crazy, woman!