Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our typical day

6:00 AM - Tom gets up to shower, get dressed and then feeds Stasa a bottle (around 6:30/7:00); I get up to pump (you have to pump for every feeding you miss to keep the supply up); Stasa is pretty much up for the day at this point (sometimes she'll fall back asleep)
8:00 AM - Put Stasa down for her morning nap; I try to shower at this point, eat breakfast, get any laundry or other things done, watch trash TV and play on the internet
10:00 AM - Wake up Stasa to change and feed her (nursing takes about 30 minutes - 40 if she's really hungry) and pump again; usually Stasa falls back asleep after this feeding for another short nap
12:00/1:00 PM - Wake up Stasa to change her and feed her (pump, again) and try to keep her awake for a bit; eat lunch and watch more trash TV
3:00 PM - Change and feed Stasa again (yep, it's like every 2 hours - every hour if she's going through a growth spurt); Stasa stays awake after this feeding, but usually falls alseep by 5:00 PM
6:00 PM - Wake her up again to change her and feed her; Tom comes home around this time and will take over watching her so I can pump again; one of us makes dinner (usually Tom) and by the time we eat Stasa is back to sleep
8:00/9:00 PM - Change and feed her again and let her fall asleep or stay awake
11:00/11:30 PM - Last feeding before bedtime - we do this feeding in her room with low lights and no noise and she usually falls asleep while nursing; she gets swaddled with a hat on and then I crash in bed (Tom's usually asleep at this point)
2:30/3:00 AM - Up again to change and feed her - this feeding is a bit difficult - sometimes she goes back to sleep, sometimes she needs to rest on my chest until she falls asleep (this can take over an hour) and sometimes she's just up and refuses to sleep (if that's the case, I just go downstairs and rest with her on the couch so we don't wake up Tom); if she goes back to sleep it's usually not until 4:30/5:00 AM - she eats a lot at this feeding - usually both sides and sometimes even a bit from a bottle

Then it's time for the 6:00 AM feeding with Tom again.

Sometimes we mix things up by going to the doctor's office, which is always fun. Today we took a trip to my office to show her off and so I could get some adult time. We might try another outing on Friday, but we'll see - it's a lot of work to get her ready to go out.

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