Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good night

Here's a video of Stasa from Sunday (no poops this time).

We had a pretty good night last night. Stasa went to bed for the night around 10:00 PM and stayed asleep until 2:30 AM. Then, after a couple of diaper changes a feedings, she slept until 8:15 AM. AND she woke up nicely - no crying or screaming. She was just laying there, still fully swaddled (I do a pretty tight swaddle) "talking" to herself. She didn't even fuss during her diaper change. I hope she's this good all day - we're visiting work and having lunch with Tom.


K said...

awww- a good night! so how much uninterrupted sleep did you actually get?

Merks said...

Maybe 6-7 hours. So much better than only 4 hours.