Monday, September 8, 2008

Dr. Appointment

I just got back from my monthly check-up. She said everything looks great and the baby is measuring right on track. I gained almost 2 pounds in 4 weeks putting my total weight gain at 3 pounds. I know that sounds crazy low, but I think I lost a bit and then gained. And since the baby's measuring healthy and the right size, they say I'm where I should be. The baby's heart rate was at 160, a little high because this baby is ACTIVE! It was around 151 at the ultrasound almost 2 weeks ago. I could feel it kicking today as she was looking for the heartbeat. I asked about the cord blood donation, but Fair Oaks hospital doesn't participate in the public donation banks, so we won't be banking our cord blood. My next appointment is in October and they'll be doing some blood tests for gestational diabetes and anemia (both of which I shouldn't have). I've now met 2 of the 3 doctors that will be seeing me (and could deliver the baby) and I love them both! They're both really laid back which makes me feel relaxed and comfortable. I meet the last doctor at my next appointment and I hope I like him, too.

The baby's kicking the crap out of me right now - I think it likes the McDonald's I just fed it.

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