Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hide and seek in the bathroom

For some reason Stasa loves the bathroom. Loves sitting in it in the dark while she waits for us to find her. Who does that? And you'd think that someone that loves the bathroom that much would also be easy to potty train. Not so much. We've pretty much given up for now and won't start again until I'm on maternity leave and she's in a daycare center. 

Since Sunday was a nasty rainy day we spent all of it inside (well, Tom took her to the mall play place while I got my prenatal massage - HEAVEN!). Stas and I played a game of hide and seek while Tom made dinner. Guess where she chose to hide?

Yeah, she loves this game.

She also loves getting her hot little hands on my point and shoot camera and instructing me to cheese.

And she AND Tom love making pillow forts out of the couch cushions.

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