Monday, January 5, 2009

dear audience,

my mama has been walking her butt off and bouncing on her birthing ball to get me to come now. if! i have my own plans, sucker. i plan to wait until at least my due date and maybe a bit longer - just to drive her crazy. i mean, she can't get mad at a little baby, now can she?

so, here's what i'm thinking for d-day (no, not THAT d-day, delivery day, silly). i plan to wait until mommy gets super comfy in bed for the night and then POP - there goes her water. but, i think i should mix things up then and not start moving down the birth canal until mommy's had a few (scratch that, 10) hours of fun contractions. i'm thinking all in all i'll make her wait at least 18 hours until i make an appearance. i sure hope mommy has someone to entertain her until i get here. heeheehee.

peace out,
mini merks

ps - just kidding! i plan to listen to everything mommy says and will make everything as easy as possible for her.

1 comment:

stella said...

baby merkel,

this sounds like a glorious plan!! but 10 hours of contractions? you can do better than that, my friend! aim for the moon and at least if you fail you will land amongst the stars.

safe travels! i cant wait to kiss you and love you and be your favoritist crazy aunt jennifer.

aunt jennifer

ps: just kidding about making things hard on mama. be nice and dont break her water in the bed. do it somewhere public and embarrassing.
pps: and remind your mama and daddy to CALL ME or TEXT ME as soon as you start your journey. aunt jennifer lives far away but she is very close to your parents and needs to be in the know!