Wednesday, January 7, 2009

State of the Uterus

Well, I got my first internal at today's appointment. My doctors don't typically do internals until you go past your due date, but since I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, they thought they'd check today. First, let me say, internals are not terrible, but not entirely comfortable - feeling pressure from both the baby and the doctor wasn't that fun and made me feel like I was going to pee on the doctor. Lucky for him, I didn't. According to Dr. Wertheim, the baby's head is "coming down nicely" and I'm very favorable for a vaginal delivery. AND he said with how things are progressing I'll probably go into labor on my own. Yay!

Everything is else was good, too - baby's heartbeat, my blood pressure and weight gain. So, we'll go back in a week for another check.

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