Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Single digits!!!

Only 9 more days until my due date! If the baby comes today, Kelly will win. Unfortunately, I haven't had any signs of labor, but it's only 8:48 AM so it's still early.

I spend most of my days analyzing every little thing - was that "pop" my water breaking? ::Checks underpants:: Nope. Must've been one of my joints popping again. Are these contractions getting stronger? ::Walks around and drinks water:: Nope. Just plain old boring Braxton Hicks again.

I've decided to make a baby sling for Tom out of this Redskins material I have. I just have to get the rings for it and then I can start sewing. (And yes, Joe, you will be jealous of it's awesomeness). At least I'll have something to do during the day other than researching baby sleep habits. Yes, I'm that cool.

So here's how I spend most of my days now that all of my work is transitioned. Wake up, shower and dress. Iron Tom's clothes for the day, pack his breakfast and lunch and send him off to work (yes, I do win the Wife of the Year award, thankyouverymuch). Feed the cat and make my breakfast (usually cereal or frozen waffles), log on to email and work IM. Start up a DVD (I'm watching all of the Friends episodes this week). Wait for someone - anyone - to IM or email me work or questions. Take a break for lunch and then wait some more. Check the mail around 1:00 - hope for a magazine or something good. Around 3:00 PM, call it a day and log off.

I'm dying for something to do, but there's not much going on right now at work. Which is why I sit around praying that the baby will come now. Just so I can have SOMETHING to do. At least I get to spend my last few baby-free days relaxing and not stressing.


stella said...

your day sounds a lot like mine! also please make me a baby sling for Chester. he is a Jets fan.

Merks said...

How much does Chester weigh? Would you really carry him around? =]