Monday, January 19, 2009

Back at the hospital

We went for Stasa's first well baby check this morning with Dr. Hunter, my family doctor. She weighed in at 6 lbs 6 oz (it takes about 2 weeks for baby's to regain their birth weight) and checked out well. The doctor was concerned about her jaundice, so she sent us for blood work.
Stasa was not a fan of of getting her blood drawn today - they have to do a heel stick and squeeze drops out of her foot. After the blood draw, we went back home to rest and wait for the results. Turns out her bilirubin levels have increased since we left the hospital. The doctor said she would need to be admitted to the hospital to be put under the bilirubin lights. Dr. Hunter had already called the hospital and had a room waiting for us on the pediatric wing. We weren't happy to go back to the hospital, but we want what's best for our daughter.
For those of you that aren't familiar with jaundice, here's a little synopsis. Bilirubin is basically a cleaning agent in our bodies - it takes away the old red blood cells and then passes through the liver. Newborns generally have more bilirubin than their system can process which causes them to have jaundice. Breastfed babies and babies of Mediterranean descent usually have a higher bilirubin level. Bilirubin can be broken down with photo light therapy - being put under bili lights or a bili blanket.
Stasa's bili level was 16.5, which is higher than normal, but not terrible. The doctors decided to put her under the lights to be on the safe side. So, here we are at the hospital watching Stasa hang out under the bili lights. She seems to be content - probably because she's laying under warm lights (she's just like her mama). Dr. Prah, the on call pediatrician, thinks she'll be discharged tomorrow since her levels were low.
All in all I would say poor Stasa has had a hard day, but at least she managed to pee on the nurse during her well baby check. That's our girl.

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