Wednesday, December 31, 2008

State of the Uterus

36 weeks and 5 days

I've only gained 20 pounds total - I guess my weight keeps fluctuating, but now I should be gaining about a pound a week until I deliver. I tested positive for Group B Strep (read more here), so now I have to have 4 hours of IV antibiotics during labor. I was hoping to avoid an IV, but now I have no choice. So far the baby is still measuring on track and has a strong heartbeat and is still head down in the "blast-off" position.

I was told to watch for 3 things -

1. Water breaking (about 1-2 cups of fluid followed by a constant stream)

2. Contractions, following the 5-1-1 rule (5 minutes apart, over 1 hour, lasting about 1 minute each), but my doctor said I can come in if they are 30-45 seconds long

3. Bleeding

The doctor said that the baby probably won't drop until I'm in active labor. Who knew I had such strong abdomen muscles? I was also told that a pregnancy massage would help with my achy back - it was "medically ordered" so Tom better get on it.

Now it's just a waiting game - tick tock. So go and submit your guess for the baby's birthday!

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