Monday, December 1, 2008

"Emergency" visit

This morning I woke up with a dull chest pain on my left side and some shortness of breath. I figured it would work itself out and go away by the time I got to work. Well, it didn't, so I took Tom's advice and called the doctor. I had a scheduled appointment for tomorrow, so they just cancelled that and squeezed me in today.

After the usual nurse time (pee in a cup, BP check and weight) we were put in an exam room to wait. And wait. And wait. Apparently the nurse forgot to put our room number on the doctor's list. Finally Dr. Pickford came in and checked everything out - heartbeat was good, fundal height is right on track and my lungs are clear. She checked my legs for red spots (clots) and swelling, but nothing there, then asked some questions about the pain and shortness of breath. Apparently what I've been experiencing is all pregnancy induced. My other organs have moved in with my poor lungs and now they're cramped, which caused the shortness of breath. I can thank my wonderful pregnancy hormones for the lung pain. And as soon as we left the office the baby started moving all around.

So all's well that ends well. At least Tom got to hear the baby's heartbeat again. He hasn't heard it since I was about 12 or 13 weeks pregnant. And I don't have to go in for another appointment until next Friday.


Jenny said...

I'm glad everything turned out to be ok! I miss you and hope that baby Merkel doesn't cause you too much pain!

Merks said...

Thanks! Yeah, I think the baby likes playing games with me just to freak me out.