Wednesday, December 24, 2008

State of the Uterus

The doctor said I could teach classes on weight gain during pregnancy. I don't think I gained anything in the past two weeks - maybe 1/2 a pound at most. She is estimating that the baby will be around 7 pounds at birth, but not much bigger than that. During the exam, she was pushing around on my stomach and the baby pushed its butt and feet out. She said she wanted to be sure the baby was in the right position for birth - which it is. Our baby gets an A+ today.

I'm on to weekly appointments now, so I'll be heading back on New Year's Eve and then every week until my due date. Let's hope this little booger comes out before then - I really don't want to be late, but I have to be realistic - the baby is 1/2 Taves. Tardiness is in its blood.

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