Tuesday, November 18, 2008

State of the Uterus

I just got back from my doctor appointment. Everything's measuring right on track, my blood pressure's good and the baby's heartbeat is strong. When Dr. Pickford was trying to find the heartbeat the baby pushed its butt out on her. Then she felt around to feel the position of the baby and said the baby was head down and should stay that way for the rest of the pregnancy. This is great news because that decreases our chances of needing a c-section. She did say the baby would probably do corkscrew turns, but probably won't be flipping anymore. So what I've been feeling pushing out of me has been baby butt, knees and feet. Tom was worried that I've been poking the baby's head, but Dr. Pickford said it's fine if I did.

The nurse told me I have to start doing fetal kick counts every day at 34 weeks. I have to make sure the baby kicks at least 10 times in an hour. Ha! Try 10 times in 10 minutes. Although the baby's really stopped kicking and is now just stretching and pushing on me.

They gave me the pre-admission forms for the hospital today as well as the circumcision forms (in case it's a boy). Dr. Pickford told me all of the Labor and Delivery rooms are private rooms (yay!), but the triage rooms are 3 to a room (boo). She also confirmed that the tightness I've been feeling in my belly have been Braxton Hicks contractions, but since I'm only having a few a day, it's not a problem. Oh, and I gained less than a pound since my last visit.

My next appointment is in 2 more weeks. Right now I'm working from home for the day and waiting for our new couch to arrive. I promise to take pictures of the living room once the couch is here.

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