Boppy pillow: We have 2 and still use them all of the time. I use them for nursing sessions (obviously), but we have also used them to prop Stasa up while she was napping, to help her learn to sit and for her to recline while watching Baby Einstein.

Rectal thermometer: What a lifesaver for 2 reasons. This is without a doubt the most accurate way to take a baby's temperature. Plus, it makes a great laxative. If Stasa goes a whole day without pooping, we can just stick the thermometer up there and bam! out comes the #2. Like magic.

Infant swing: God bless the swing. Stasa napped exclusively in the swing twice a day for almost 3 months straight. I think I would have lost my mind had I not been able to put her to sleep in the swing.

Cloth prefold diapers: We use these for burp cloths and one comes with us everywhere. They are super absorbent and last for years (my aunt still has some from when her kids were babies).

Infant swing: God bless the swing. Stasa napped exclusively in the swing twice a day for almost 3 months straight. I think I would have lost my mind had I not been able to put her to sleep in the swing.

Cloth prefold diapers: We use these for burp cloths and one comes with us everywhere. They are super absorbent and last for years (my aunt still has some from when her kids were babies).

The Diaper Dude: I love love love this diaper bag, mostly because I'm not a fan of traditional looking diaper bags. This bag fits everything we need for a day outing: Hooter Hider, burp cloth, bibs, booger sucker, diaper cream, plastic bags (for dirty diapers), tylenol, teething tablets, saline drops, 2 changes of clothes, 10 diapers, wipes, receiving blanket and a few toys.

The Ultimate Crib Sheet: What a time saver this has been. It's basically a waterproof mattress protector, mattress pad and sheet all in one. We got 2 of these sheets and that's all we've needed so far. We kept the plastic on the mattress and put the waterproof pad over that and then a pretty zoo themed sheet on over that. Then, we jut snap the ultimate crib sheet over the pretty sheet. Makes linen changes much easier.

The Ultimate Crib Sheet: What a time saver this has been. It's basically a waterproof mattress protector, mattress pad and sheet all in one. We got 2 of these sheets and that's all we've needed so far. We kept the plastic on the mattress and put the waterproof pad over that and then a pretty zoo themed sheet on over that. Then, we jut snap the ultimate crib sheet over the pretty sheet. Makes linen changes much easier.

Flannel receiving blankets: We use these for just about everything - as swaddling blankets when she was a newborn, diaper changing pads for downstairs, clean play area while we're out and about, make shift burp cloths, sun name it, we've probably used them for it.

Bath seat: As soon as her cord stump fell off, we started giving her real baths in the big bathtub. We used this seat in the tub until she was able to sit up on her own. Before that we used it for sponge baths in the living room. And we still use it today to rest her in after bathtime while we empty the tub and wring out her bath mat.

Bath seat: As soon as her cord stump fell off, we started giving her real baths in the big bathtub. We used this seat in the tub until she was able to sit up on her own. Before that we used it for sponge baths in the living room. And we still use it today to rest her in after bathtime while we empty the tub and wring out her bath mat.

The Ultimate Baby Wrap: I love how comfortable this baby carrier is. It distributes the weight evenly across my shoulders, back and hips, plus it made Stasa feel snuggly and helped her pass out when she was little. And I love that this wrap has 2 rings to help tighten it instead of knotting it like the Moby.
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