Sunday, August 30, 2009

A busy day

Stasa had a busy day today; it started at 5:30 AM. She got up to eat and then took a quick nap and was back up at 7:30 AM. She then spent the rest of her day eating (yogurt for breakfast, green beans & applesauce for lunch and zucchini oatmeal for dinner), napping and playing. We took her to the park for some outside time, too.

"I'm not too sure of this. Are you sure this is fun?"

"Oh, wait. I DO like this! HIGHER!"

"Who's that kid? He's swinging higher than me!"

"Wood chips look so tasty...mmm, wait, mom, why do you keep taking them away?"

"Look at me! I'm coming to get you!"

"I'm a big girl, see? I can climb steps."

"Phew, those steps wore me out."

Crawling in the grass without freaking out:

A new way to contain Stasa while we cook:

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