Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Two new "games"

Now that she can crawl, one of her favorite new games (apart from headbutting mommy) is Chasing Kitty. The stupid cat taunts her by walking just outside of her grasp, so I feel like she (the cat) deserves the chasing.

Stasa's also interested in pulling up all of the time (as witnessed in the previous video) and now uses her Bumbo to take a knee stroll.


GrandPopMerk said...

This is Big Game Hunter action! Look how she chases the cat with out fear!

K said...

Look at her go!!! Can't believe I am relegated to watching videos of my almost-goddaughter because I HAVEN'T SEEN HER IN SO LONG! Must. Make. Kari. Find. Time.

godmother jennifer said...

STOP THESE VIDEOS NOW!!!! i can't handle the cuteness!!!! thank you.