Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring finally cometh

Thankfully spring finally decided to make a real appearance this past weekend, but yesterday it seemed as if it's friend, summer was dying to come play, too. It ended up being 93 degrees yesterday and Stasa argued with me because she wanted to wear a long sleeved black shirt. She eventually agreed to wear a short sleeved cotton dress and came home happy that she did. 

All week after we pick the girls up the first thing Stasa asks is "can we play outside when we get home?" And I say yes every day because after months of grey and dreary cold weather it's so nice to be able to play outside without freezing. So after work and school every day we've been outside riding bikes, chalking up the cul-de-sac, and blowing bubbles. 

Stasa's really quite the bike rider and I think we'll be gradually raising her training wheels soon in the hopes that she's on a true two-wheeler by the end of the summer. We just need to work on getting her to be less of a dare devil on her bike. Those training wheels have given her a bit of false security and she whips up and down driveways and around bends. I'm definitely glad we got a bigger bike rather than the 12" one because she'll be able to use this bike for another year or so before she outgrows it. 

Lexi is juuuuuuuust starting to get the hang of her trike. Before she would just sit on it and ask one of us to push her around the cul-de-sac. Recently she's started scooting herself around and the other day she finally tried pedaling and actually did it. But then immediately stopped when she realized that she was pedaling without me pushing her. I think she'll be pedaling on her own all of the time by the time summer comes around.

Here's hoping the nice weather sticks around. I'm not ready to go back to pants and heavy coats, but it's Virginia, so the weather changes week to week. That said, I'd also be okay without summer coming so early - let's enjoy the 70 and 80 degree days for a few more weeks. 

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