Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Finally, a regular doctor visit

Regular, as in, previously scheduled, as in, well baby visit. No more sick visits. What's that noise? Yeah, that's me. I'm furiously knocking on wood.

Back to the well baby visit. We went in for Lexi's 9 month check-up and all is well in Lexi-land. Let's start with her stats:

Weight: 19.6 lbs (58th percentile)
Height: 29" (85th percentile)
Head: 17.5" (57th percentile)

She ended up getting one vaccination and took it like a pro. They did a toe-stick, too, to check for anemia and apparently she's slightly anemic, which isn't too surprising since 1. I usually test as slightly anemic (and am a definite anemic when pregnant and probably while breastfeeding, too) and 2. the iron she's getting from my breastmilk usually depletes around the 9 month mark. They told me to add rice cereal to her diet and they'll retest her at her one year appointment. So, there you have it. She's healthy and won't go back until she's one. ONE!

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