Monday, August 2, 2010

Fancy pants

Stasa loves being with us when we get ready for work in the morning and especially loves when I pull out my costume jewelry so I let her wear one of the smaller necklaces that matched the one I was wearing and she was happy as could be. And she keeps it on all day long and gets upset when I take it off. She's getting to be the same way about her bangles (more on that later). 

Stasa can now identify 8 animals on her flash cards. Tom's mom started this game with her - we lay 4 cards in front of her and ask her to pick out an animal. So far she can identify duck, snake, giraffe, lion, monkey, kangaroo, elephant and alligator. 

So proud of herself:

Oh! Oh! AND she's started putting toys away in the right toy bin without even being asked. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. Apparently she's actually paying attention when I put toys away.

Picking toys up:

And putting them away:

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