Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Deep Creek Lake

We spent the weekend at Lauren's parent's lake house at Deep Creek Lake and had a blast. They have a perfect set-up and a beautiful house that's right on the lake. We got there late Friday night thanks to funky GPS directions and windy West Virginia roads. We were up early Saturday morning to take advantage of the gorgeous day and went out on the boat for a bit. It was Stasa's first boat ride and first time swimming in the lake. I don't think she knew what to think of the actual boat ride at first, but she was clapping and excited when we stopped to swim. She all but threw herself overboard to get in the water with the ducks.

After our swim, we headed back to the house for lunch and naptime for the girls. Lauren and I spent the afternoon lounging in the cold lake water and then spent more time lounging on the docked boat. After the girls woke up, we drank many many homemade slushies, had dinner and then went to the creamery for some delicious and rich ice cream. Once the girls were in bed we played some board games. Lauren and I destroyed the guys in Pictionary, but Tom beat us all in this trivia game, Eat It, about candy, ice cream, chocolate and snack treat trivia.

Click here to view the pictures.

1 comment:

aunt jennifer said...

HAHHAHA! they are too freakin cute together! is audrey screaming DADDYDADDYDADDY while chasing stasa?