Friday, April 23, 2010

Food poisoning : (

Ugh, what a day.

Stasa woke up happy as usual this morning. I brought her downstairs, fed her pancakes and milk for breakfast while my coffee percolated. She didn't eat all of her pancakes, but I chalked it up to her just waking up. She spent the morning playing while I worked and then went down for her morning nap a little late, around 11:00 AM.

She usually sleeps for at least a couple of hours, but woke up a little after noon, crying and was very clingy. I brought her into the playroom and was rocking and patting her back when I felt her heave. I cupped my hand under her chin thinking she was just spitting up a little mucous, but ended up being drenched in vomit. I looked around for a blanket, burp cloth, ANYTHING that I could use to clean us. There was nothing. So I trotted both of us to the bathroom, deposited Stas in the bathtub so I could peel off my soaked clothes. She, of course, was upset and probably in pain and was crying the whole time. She calmed down while we showered, but refused to be put down and clutched me like a baby monkey.

After getting both of us dressed again, I took the afternoon off of work and laid down with Stasa on my chest. She was lethargic and whiny and then BAM. More vomit. This time I only got a tiny bit on me and managed to get her over the toilet before the majority of it came up. She had one more episode before I decided to drive her in to the urgent care since our doctor's office was closed.

I thought ahead and packed an extra shirt for both of us and covered Stasa in a blanket after buckling her into her car seat. She didn't move an inch for the whole ride until we were a block away and then BAM. More vomit. After I parked, I cleaned her up and then rushed into the urgent care where I filled out paper work and waited to be called back. We waited and then waited and then BAM. More vomit. All over both of us. She finished vomiting in the waiting room trashcan and then they took us back immediately. As soon as we were in the room I changed both of us again and then they took Stasa's stats: weight, temp, heart rate, etc.

Side note: She weighed in at 26 pounds even.

The doctor came in and examined her and I told him what she ate last night and today. He figures it was the hamburger or the onion mixed in it that made her sick. Diagnosis: food poisoning. Turns out poor Tom has it, too.

Treatment: push fluids (no dairy) as much as she'll take and try solid foods again in the morning and if she's still vomiting by bedtime, I was told to take her in for IV fluids.

She puked 2 more times after we got home, both of which were stomach bile (yes, gross) and napped on my chest off and on for an hour or so and then was up and playing. She was able to drink a couple of sippies of water, but refused the Pedialyte, which tasted just like water to me.

Stas was a little fussy going down for bedtime and I've been checking on her every 15-20 minutes. I'm hoping she sleeps through the night and wakes up feeling more like her usual self.

Poor peanut.

1 comment:

aunt jennifer said...

OH NO! little girl! i hope stasa and tom are feeling better. food poisoning is THE WORST.