Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Food poisoning: 3 Merkels: 0

I came home Sunday evening after a fun day at Lauren's house with the girls. The minute I walked through the door I felt a little off and I ran to the bathroom and dry heaved before my body final gave up on the thought of vomiting. Or so I thought. About an hour later I knew it was coming and headed back to my porcelain shrine for round 2. This time Stasa came with me and while I was hovering over the toilet, she was busy ripping off squares of toilet paper and handing them to me between the seat and my face.

Well, I spent the majority of the night in the bathroom and at one point gave up and just slept on the floor. I woke up yesterday still sick so I emailed work to let them know I was on death's door. I crawled downstairs, grabbed a sippy of milk and some yogurt for Stasa, crawled back upstairs, got her up and then literally crashed on the playroom floor for the entire day. I had a slight panic attack when I realized that I was going to have to make Stasa's lunch. Just the thought of food would make me sick. Hell, even watching someone eating on television was making me sick. I settled on feeding her pancakes, which still bothered my stomach, but was the lesser of all evils.

By time Tom came home from work I was feeling more human. After a shower I felt like I could actually eat something without hurling. A banana and cup of applesauce later and I felt like myself again.

Now having gone through that I feel even worse for poor Stasa. She must have felt terrible and wasn't at all able to tell us what was wrong or how much it hurt. Kids are so resilient and strong. I hope none of us have to deal with food poisoning again.

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