Monday, April 30, 2012

Out of the mouths of babes

Both of the girls are such chatterboxes - really each in their own way. Stasa picks up more and more phrases every day and uses them correctly. Today I asked her to do something and she responded with "are you kidding me?!" I couldn't not laugh. I mean, seriously?! LOL I guess I need to be careful about what I say, even if it's not technically a bad word.

On our way home today, she rummaged around in her purse, pulled out her sunglasses, and popped them on her face. Tom said she looked cool and she told him "no, I'm beautiful." Then proceeded to inform us that Lexi's beautiful, Mommy's a big girl, and daddy's not beautiful, he's a boy. 

OH and we were informed tonight that she has a brother. We explained what a brother was and that she has a sister, not a brother (and no, I'm not pregnant, thankyouverymuch). She scoffed at us and kind of condescended that she would just buy one from the store. Easy peasy in her mind.

And that other kid, man, she's been trying her hardest to get her point across. She's got a small handful of useful words, all said the Lexi way: nigh' nigh', mama, dada, her version of Stasa, uh oh (such a favorite of ours especially when it's accompanied with food being thrown on the floor), and her version of line up. Yeah, the last one seems a little strange for a tiny tot to be saying, but it's something we sing every time we're ready to take the kids downstairs and when we're ready to leave the house. It's kind of our way to get them both in the same place and the song is actually from Bubble Guppies

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