Thursday, August 18, 2011

Throwing it all out there

I had a massive headache most of the day and decided to rest on the couch while Tom made dinner. Lexi was hanging out in the kitchen with Tom (or at least I think that's where she was because she wasn't in the living room with me and I was too tired to get up to check). So as I'm laying on the couch, dying, there's Stasa chugging along on her Little People car thing - through the living room, into the kitchen, past the dining table, and back into the living room. And she's singing. At first I wasn't sure what she was saying, but as she made her next pass through the room I picked up a few lines and realized she's singing this. The kid picks up all sorts of songs now.

The other day I was picking the girls up from daycare and there was another mom walking out with her baby as I was walking into Stasa's room. Stasa ran up to her, crying hysterically, and yelling "my Lexi! my baby!"- convinced that this woman was stealing her baby sister. I couldn't apologize enough to this poor woman, who very nicely stopped to let Stasa see that she wasn't taking Lexi and that her baby, little Elizabeth, was her own. I finally convinced Stasa to go to Lexi's room so I could prove that this lady didn't steal her sister. And of course, they were changing Lexi so Stas didn't see her right away and she freaked out all over again.

Who knew she was so attached to her baby sister? And Baby Sister loves Big Sister. Like seriously. Love. She lights up when Stasa walks in the room. Quiets down when Stasa talks to her or plays with her or does tummy time with her. She's always smiling that big gummy grin at her.

Stasa still loves dressing up as a pretty pretty princess. She's always coming down from her playroom with some sort of princess outfit on. This pretty pretty princess likes to read.

And eat.

*Someone* has discovered her feet. 'Nuf said.

I had a *brilliant* idea the other night. Earlier in the week I had gone through this month's copy of Parents magazine and ripped out pages with things I wanted to try and one of the pages had a recipe for homemade ectoplasm (aka slime). I knew we had made this when I was working at University View, but couldn't for the life of me remember how. I wanted to slap myself when I saw the recipe because, my God, it couldn't be more simple. Corn starch and water. Plus a tad of food coloring. 


1 comment:

Julia said...

Oh my God... the one of Lexi grinning killed me. Killed me dead.

I miss those girls! And you!