Thursday, August 11, 2011

Singing Stasa

I really need to try to sneak a video of Stasa while she's singing - she has so many new songs now. And she's actually singing the entire ABCs, which is a nice change from A, B, C, D, E, 6, 6, twinkle twinkle leeeeeetle stah!

So, now she's got quite the repertoire. We get to hear the real ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle, Pat-a-Cake, 10 Little Monkeys, and she's starting to really get Happy Birthday. And what kills me is we'll be driving home from daycare and all of a sudden she's singing an entire song I've never heard from her before. It's like she keeps it under wraps until she's got it down.

Okay, I promise to try to get her on camera this weekend.

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