Monday, March 1, 2010


We spent all day yesterday cleaning and reorganizing our utility/storage room and I'm happy with our newly organized space. I then spent the rest of the afternoon vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing and mopping our downstairs area. Now I just have 1 more closet to reorganize and I'll be DONE.

Before the cleaning frenzy started, Stas and I spent Saturday at the Annapolis Mall with Lauren, Audrey, Emily and Topher. I was worried for a minute that I would have to drive over a bridge to get there, but I lucked out. I really hate driving over bridges. I'm always afraid that I'll be blown off or if it's a drawbridge, I always think the mechanism is going to break and I'll fall in.

At least now the house is ready for the mamas and their toddlers. I'm so excited that everyone's coming to stay and play this weekend! Now I just need to finish planning the low-carb menu - have any suggestions?

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