As of today we're exactly ONE WEEK away from Stasa's FIRST BIRTHDAY. I am still in denial that a whole year has already passed and feel blessed to even have her. Tom and I miss her every single day while we're at work and coming home to pick her up is the highlight of our day.
Yesterday Tom picked her up and said that she got excited and "ran" over to him. It really is the best feeling when she hugs both of my legs and nuzzles my knee.
Stasa has an oral vocabulary of 4 words: mama, dada, baby and yeah/yes, but she understands so much more. She knows what ball, baby, kitty, daddy, pillow and many more words mean. She also actually plays with her toys instead of just eating them and tries to stack her stacking cups. AND one of my favorite things she does is "rock" her baby to sleep and give her baby kisses, but she only does it every now and then. Most times she's sitting on her baby or throwing her baby.
So, the official countdown begins today. Seven (SEVEN!) days until Stasa is ONE.
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