We've been spending as much time as we can outside with the girls and Tommy. They love being outside. Running, blowing bubbles, drawing with chalk, splashing in the pool, riding bikes, digging in dirt. I must sound like a broken record because I say it all of the time, but they love being outdoors and they have so much energy it's almost a necessity to get them out and running.
So. A bucket list for my kids. It includes perfecting the art of bubble blowing.
There's nothing more perfect than little lips puckered up to blow bubbles.
Chalked up hands are also on that list. And if you know me you know I'm OCD with messes, but I'm kind of okay with sticky messy kids because 1. they're outside and 2. I can hose them down in the bath afterward. So we chalk it up. Adding dust to already sticky dirty hands. Stasa's really into creating behavior charts for all of us and chalks happy faces all over the driveway.
The girls run from activity to activity when we're outside. And no matter how many of their toys and things we bring out, when the neighbors bring out their toys they run to those like a moth to a flame. We always make them ask before they play with anything that's not theirs and they're lucky that our neighbors are generous and like to share with other kids. Lexi pushed this mower around and around.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaah she's wearing socks with her sandals. A battle I'm not interested in winning.
Stasa's getting really good at riding her scooter and switches from that to her bike and scoots around the cul-de-sac. I've been known to take a spin on the scooter, too.
This is a typical scene in our yard now when we're outside and playing. A content little man lounging in the shade.
Happy kids make happy parents.
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