Well, I'm now down to my last three weeks of leave. And we still haven't really gotten a routine down. Tommy cat naps a lot during the day, but it's hit or miss on the long naps. For instance right now he's snoozing in the swing and has been asleep for about 45 minutes and will probably sleep for another 45. But yesterday he didn't nap until later in the day. Usually at night I feed him around the time we're reading stories to the girls, but instead of putting him in his room we've been bringing him downstairs with us and he sleeps in his Rock-n-Play until we go up to bed. Last night I finally decided to try something new.
After dinner I took all three kids upstairs for a group bath, a first for them. I've let each girl bathe with Tommy, but hadn't put all three in the tub together because the girls are water monsters when they're in the bath together and I kind of feared for Tommy's safety. The girls promised not to splash with him in the tub, so I gave it a go.
They were fantastic. They took turns soaping him up and rinsing him with their cups.
After bath, the girls got themselves ready for bed while I dressed Tommy and then we went to the playroom to watch a show and read books. While the girls watched their show I fed Tommy and put him to sleep in his crib, only the second time he's ever slept there. It was nice having him asleep when it was time to get the girls in bed, especially since Tom was out for the night. Over two months in with the new baby and I'm just now thinking to get him on an evening schedule.
We took the Tommallama to the doctor for his two month appointment. The doctor confirmed that he has reflux, but agrees that since he's a happy spitter there's no need to put him on meds. She said he'll grow out of it by 6-9 months old and just to keep him somewhat upright after his feedings. She was impressed with his head and neck control and growth since his last appointment. Tom and I knew he was long, but didn't realize how much he grew. He's longer than Lexi was at two months old and she's been off the charts in height. Here are Tommy's two month stats:
Height: 24.75", 96th percentile
Weight: 12 lbs, 60th percentile
Head size: 16", 68th percentile
He's almost a full inch longer than Lexi was. We're going to have some tall kids on our hands. We're on our way to our own basketball team. Yay!
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