Stasa's been really interested in my camera lately so recently I gave her one of my first digital cameras, my Sony Cybershot. It's bulky and slow compared to today's point and shoots, but Stasa loves it. I showed her how to use the camera, including checking the pictures she takes and off she went. She gets so excited when she taking pictures and runs over to show us what she captured. "Look mommy! My foot and the tummy mat!"
"Mommy! Mommy! Our potty seat!"
I love how excited she is about taking pictures and hope she stays interested in it. I think I might even put together a photo scavenger hunt for her. A week ago she took her camera to Costco and Safeway and kept asking me to list things for her to capture. I have given her a few simple rules, one of which is don't take pictures of mommy while she's nursing Tommy. Other than that she's got free rein. It's so fun to see her watch her brother or sister or the cat, jump up and run for her camera so she can capture "the moment." She really wanted a neck strap for her camera like mine and I made her one, but then the strap piece broke off the camera, so now I need to figure out another way for her to safely carry the camera around. Or maybe I'll just get her a new camera, like this one. It even has its own photo editing software so you can add your own effects and Disney characters. If she had that we'd end up with photos covered in Disney princesses. Or maybe I'll have her save her own money for this. I've been looking for a way to start teaching her about money management. Especially since my parents never really taught me anything about managing money and I ended up being so irresponsible with it until my aunt and uncle gave me a few tough lessons.
For now I'll keep teaching her with the old point and shoot. I think she's pretty good for a 4 year old, but she does need to remember to keep her finger away from the lens.
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