This adorable little man is eight weeks old. Eight weeks have passed since he was born. I'm still marveling that time can pass so quickly and am trying to soak in as much of him as I can in the four short weeks I have left at home. I can't seem to get enough of him and I think it's partly because I've done this before and I know how fast time passes and how much I'm going to miss him once I'm back at work. I know my heart will ache and my arms will long to hold him so for now I'm going to hold him a bit more and squeeze him and kiss him whenever I want because right now he's all mine and I'm his.
At this point we can practically set our clocks by his schedule. He almost always wakes up at 4:40 am to eat. Every morning. 4:40 rolls around and he starts grunting. Eh, eh, eh. And then again around 6:00 am. Eat night is different and some nights he wakes up every few hours, some nights he sleeps for over five hours, but every morning when 4:40 comes he wakes up. No matter what.
I'm definitely tired like I was after the girls were born and the exhaustion starts to hit hard around dinner time, but in spite of all of that I still don't nap during the day. Instead I snuggle with my little man or clean or walk the mall. I'm sure I'll regret not napping once I'm back at work, but I kind of prefer to stay on this schedule.
And this little man who I spend all of my time with is growing like a weed. He's getting bigger and longer and smiles more and is even cooing like he's about to laugh. He's still not a huge fan of tummy time and tolerates it, but prefers to have his sisters by his side. I guess he figures if he's got to do it so do they. Lucky for him they think it's a privilege to do tummy time with him.
This morning I propped him up on the Boppy for some assisted tummy time and he did a pretty good job. Probably from all the time he spends cuddled up on our chests. Stasa gets overly excited when he lifts his head and yells "he's lifting hes head!" (side note: We correct her constantly, but she still says hes instead of his.)
He was so proud of himself and was in such a good morning today. All smiles and coos and sunshine.
This happy guy makes my day every day. I say it again and again, but Tommy is our most relaxed baby. It's like he knows that we need a happy easy baby. The girls require so much of our time right now and we won't hear a peep out of him unless he's hungry or wet. Otherwise he's pretty content to just watch the chaos unfold around him. I hope this is his permanent personality. We will definitely need to find his voice when dealing with his sisters though because those girls, well those girls are forces of nature.
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