Around 10:00 pm I heard this huge crash and then crying. I ran upstairs and found Stasa on the floor. When I picked her up I was shocked at how hot she was. I mean really hot. I brought her downstairs to take her temperature and give her some meds and that's when I found out just how hot she was. 105+ with the ear thermometer. I immediately gave her a dose of Tylenol (she got a dose of Motrin for something else at dinnertime so I couldn't give that again). I tried pushing fluids - milk, water, popsicles, but she refused everything. Tom came home and we took her temp again, this time rectally and it was 104+. I packed her up and took her to the ER at Reston Hospital. After a couple of pokes and prods and chest x-rays, we found out she has pneumonia. The ER doc sent us home around midnight with a prescription for an antibiotic and instructions to follow-up with our pediatrician in a few days.
That night Stas fell asleep the minute we got home and slept until around 4:00ish. She finally fell back asleep after more meds and back rubbing and then slept until after noon. She probably would have slept longer, but we woke her up to take her temp and give her meds and fluids. She looked horrible and we felt so bad for her. She camped out on the couch for the rest of the day with all of her "friends", a comfy pillow and episode after episode of SpongeBob. Her fever was still pretty high and we had to work to get food and fluids in her. That night she slept for crap. I finally pulled her in our bed around 4:00, took her temp, gave her more meds, and got her to drink some milk. She slept until after noon again and only woke up because we went up to take her temp and give her the antibiotic.
Stas finally FINALLY slept through the night last night and woke up this morning looking like her normal self and was fever free! Even so, we stayed in for the day and kept the activities low key. We were all going a little stir crazy around dinner time, so we went out to Cold Stone for a little dessert. I got the Birthday Cake Remix. So delicious.
Oh and our darling little Lexi decided she didn't want to be left out on all of the weekend fun and was up 3 or 4 times every night and super fussy during the days. Fun stuff, I tell you.
In between all of that, we managed to have some fun doing tummy time (and man, she's got some amazing head/neck control!) and even squeezed in some quick family pictures.
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