And yes, those other entries are correct. She's still sick. We went to the doctor on Friday for a follow-up appointment and she checked out fine. No fever, lungs sounded clear, and she was in great spirits. Betsy (our favorite nurse practitioner) did see the beginnings of an ear infection in her right ear, but said the antibiotic she's on would clear it up. We were told to come back a couple of days after she finishes the Biaxin or earlier if she spikes another fever.
Well, she woke up around 4:00 this morning crying and was burning up. Her temperature was back up to 104, so I pulled her in our bed and gave her Motrin and we all fell back asleep for a couple of hours. Her temp had dropped to about 99 by the time we left for our appointment, but it was creeping back up once we were there. Her lungs still sound clear and now she has a full fledged ear infection in her right ear. They did a flu test just to check, and that came back negative, too.
So, the doctor suggested a few things. He had us stop the Biaxin and gave us prescriptions for Augmentin and Zithromax. He told us to monitor her for the next 24 hours (from the first dose of Zithromax) and if she can't shake the fever or if it spikes up to 104 again, we have to take her to the ER. And no matter what, he wants us to call him tomorrow for an update. My poor baby just can't shake the sickness. You can't even tell she's sick until the fever hits and then her eyes get glassy and she's lethargic, but as soon as it starts going down, she's back to her high energy self.
So. Yesterday while she was seemingly well, we played with Lexi (aka the rolling machine).
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