What a nice day, even if it was a bit muggy. Stasa even got to play outside like 3 or 4 times at school and we took her out again after dinner.
Both girls were exhausted by 7:00, so much so that Lexi fell asleep while we were blowing bubbles.
And speaking of Little Lexi, I took her in for her 4 month well visit this morning. She was in the best mood and put on quite a show for Dr. Cooper. Let's start with her stats:
Weight: 13lbs 13 oz (juuuuuuuust over the 50th percentile)
Height: 26.5" (95th percentile!)
Head: 15.75" (juuuuuuuuust under the 25th percentile)
She got a few vaccinations - 2 shots and an oral and took them like a champ. She showed off her rolling skills and once she was on her belly she was scooting all over the place. Dr. Cooper thinks she's going to be an early crawler and should be sitting up soon with her good back control. While we were there I mentioned Stasa's hitting and biting and told her how we put her in time out, for how long, and where and how we try to keep from yelling. She reassured me that we're doing everything right and that she should eventually grow out of this phase, but that she's not surprised that she's being the aggressor at home since she was bitten at daycare. So all in all a great appointment.
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