Tom thought I was overreacting until he went in the kitchen to kill the spider and then saw the beast. I've never seen a spider that large. It was like the size of a tarantula, but scarier and I'm pretty sure it was carrying knives. Apparently I'm supposed to calm down know since the spider is dead. Allegedly.
Let's try and forget about how I almost lost my life tonight and talk about something else, shall we? Lexi stayed home with me today since she had a fever this morning (she's fine now, BTW). She was in a pretty good mood most of the day, although a bit clingy, and had a blast doing tummy time. No, seriously, she loved it. See?
We managed to eat early tonight and had enough time to walk to the pool and play for awhile before it closed. Water day at school + pool time = bath night for everyone. We put Lexi in the tub with Stasa and they both loved it, even though they look shell shocked in this pic (I think it's because I was trying to get them to smile and they didn't want me interrupting play time).
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go spider proof my house. Or at the very least find a way to guarantee they won't get in my bedroom. ::sigh:: I don't anticipate sleeping well tonight.
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