As you've seen from my many posts about it, Lexi is a rolling machine. Well, unfortunately her rolling over isn't limited to awake time anymore; she's rolling all over her crib, which casuses her to wake up well before she's ready, which makes for a crabby baby and a crabby mommy. No bueno.
She forced my hand a little early. I was hoping to keep her swaddled a bit longer, at least until we had Ferberized her, but I worry about her rolling over without having her arms free to lift her head off of the mattress. So we ended up putting her down unswaddled for her nap on Saturday. I checked on her no less than 15 times, every time I was sure she would have her nose in the mattress, but she was on her tummy with her head turned to the side. And she actually slept a decent amount. It makes me kind of sad though that she doesn't need the swaddle anymore. ::wipes tear:: Such a big girl. Look at her, getting ready to roll over and soothe herself to sleep.
Oh, I didn't mention that? Yeah, not only is she going down unswaddled, I've also been putting her down awake. And she's been quietly putting herself to sleep. I'm loving it.
Of course the Great Unswaddle wasn't our entire weekend - we kept pretty busy, especially since it was so nice out. Saturday we walked to the pool and splashed around for about an hour or so. Tom got Stasa chicken fingers and fries at the pool snack bar since she was being so well behaved and she scarfed those down in between playing.
It was still nice out when the girls woke up after nap, but it was also the time of day I loathe - mosquito time, so we took them to the mall to let Stasa run around the play place. Loony toon loved that.
Sunday was pretty jam packed. After breakfast we took a walk to the playground and found that if we put Lexi in the stroller without her car seat, she's happy as a clam (for the most part), so walks will soon become much more enjoyable for everyone. We also learned that if you go to the playground at 10:00 am on a Sunday, you'll have the whole thing to yourself. Nice, but kind of boring.

We were so hot and sticky when we got back from the playground (since it's about a 30 minute walk), I decided to suit up and take Stas over to the pool to cool off.
We ran into the same little boy she played with on Saturday, only this time he was a little bit mean. He got mad at his grandmother for taking away a toy, walked up to Stas, and pinched her. She looked at him like he was crazy, walked over to me, and said "he not nice, mommy." Other than that, she had a lot of fun and didn't want to leave at all. Of course I neglected to put sunscreen on my legs, so they got a little more sun than I wanted. Oh well.